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Mitchell was a soldier from District 13. He is a part of Squad 451, also known as the "Star Squad", because of his ability to accurately shoot long-distances.


Mitchell is described as an "older guy" who never says much, but can "shoot the dust off your boots at fifty yards", describing him as an excellent marksman. While the Star Squad films reenactments of their reactions to explosions in the Capitol, Mitchell becomes known as the worst actor among the group,for reasons unknown.


During an assault of one of the Capitol streets, numerous pods go off, and eventually Peeta has a flashback which causes him to react violently towards Katniss. As he is about to attack Katniss, Mitchell tackles him and tries to pin him to the ground. Peeta throws him off, causing him to land on a mislabeled pod, and activate a barbed wire net that pulls him up. Gale and Leeg 1 try to help Mitchell by shooting at the cables holding the net, but to no avail. The black tar wave washes over him and ultimately kills him. Later, Katniss discovers Mitchell's hand and gun hanging out of the net, now covered in tar. He might have been fatally injured due to the barbs in the net.
