The Hunger Games Wiki

Hey Everyone, I'm sorta new here! My name is Chris and I really love my baby duck Bananas, as you can see. We have another one called Apples, but he's really young. So yeah. These are my games, I know I'm new, but please sign up. I've been told I'm pretty good!


  • No Profiles, I will be very strict.
  • I will hold reserves for a maximum of 3 days.
  • Two tributes max, so everyone gets a shot.
  • I am not doing reapings, chariots, or interviews. I will do training scores and games.

That is all!


Right, bare with me about this table. I think this is how its done.

Male Female
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12

Training Scores[]

Name Score Odds

