The Hunger Games Wiki

Ho ho ho merry Xmas! Anywasy its only Xmas once a year so Im making these!


This are important! :

  • No goddmoding (it's when you make the other characters do what you want) Example: Clove: She runs towards Peeta and stab him many times. Peeta tries to punch her but he fails. Finally Clove kills Peeta in merci.
  • You may not say how a tribute is feeling that is also godmodding. I will add a chart with the stats.
  • If your tribute dies please don't go mad at me this are the HG. You may post a comment saying RIP <your tribute>. But please don't reply in the roleplay comment :3
  • I decide when the day finishes, when mutts appear and if a tribute dies. Nobody else decides that :3
  • I will take part in these games but I'm not winning :3


Post a comment that uses this template:





Nothing more is needed since the personality and all that will be rped :3

In one hour from this update the games will start be fast and post yourself if you hadn't yet :3

Name District Weapon
Tara 1 Bow and Arrow
Kaeghan 1 Clearing Axe
Wikia C 2
Sam 2 Throwing Axes
Toast 3 Garrote
Nick 3 Mace
Liza 4 Bow and Arrow
Blake 4 Sickle
Jinx 5 Whip
Wikia C 5
Summer 6 Mace
Erlend 6 Knife
Wikia C 7
Aspen 7 Boomerang
Wikia C 8
Wikia C 8
Wikia C 9
Wesley 9 Axe
Wikia C 10
Eli 10 Axe
Wikia C 11
Adrian 11 Knife
Wikia C 12
Wikia C 12

How to Roleplay[]

This is the example I always use in the role-play games ;3

The tributes raise into the arena and the time starts counting down suddenly the gong sounds

Then for example the user that roleplays Clove replies to that comment

Clove: She runs for a pack of knifes and grabs one.

The user must wait until another user postes until she/he postes again whatever the user does must be short.

I will roleplay the tributes that aren't used.

Example of how the bloodbath should work:[]

The tributes raise into the arena and the time starts counting down suddenly the gong sounds

Clove: She runs for a pack of knifes and grabs one.

Foxface: She runs for a backpack that contains a knife, a bottle of water and some apples in it. She turns around and escapes to the forest.

Cato: He runs to the cornucopia and grabs a sword.

Peeta: He escapes the cornucopia and goes to the forest without nothing.

D8F: She grabs a backpack with a box of matches, some water and jacket in it. She runs towards the cornucopia to get a weapon.

Clove: She spots the D8F and runs towards her. She throws a knife aiming at her leg.

(I will post a comment saying if the knife misses, injures or kills the D8F)

Knife: It goes into the leg of the D8F injuring her.

Katniss: She grabs a backpack with some ropes and food in it. She after turns around and runs towards the forest. 

D8F: She yells in pain and tries to run towards the forest.

Glimmer: She grabs a small axe and runs towards the D8F.

D3F: She grabs a backpack with electronic supplies in it she runs towards another backpack with food in it.

Cato: He runs towards the D3F and swings the sword towards her.

(I will post a comment saying if the knife misses, injures or kills the D8F)

Sword: It slices the D3F's chest killing her.

And the roleplay continues until the only remaining people in the cornucopia are the careers :3 then I will post a comment saying:

<number of deaths> cannons sound marking the end of the bloodbath

No replies should be posted in that comment after this.

After the bloodbath[]

You should post a comment (not reply my comment) saying where you tribute is and what he does.


Foxface: She picks finds a little cave and enters it, she have shade in it and she smiles when she hears flowing water.

(this is another comment)

Cato: He is in the cornucopia looking through the supplies

(other careers may reply to this comment since they are in the same place)

(end of example)


When all the users with living tributes have posted a comment I will post:

The sky darkens it is night. the faces of the fallen appear.

After this careers may start hunting, they may post something like this.

Marvel: "Should we go hunting?" He asks as he sharpens a spear.

Cato: "Why not?" 

Then i post a comment that says:

The careers go deep into the forest and start hunting.

They may post comments in which they talk but not in which they see other tributes I decide that. i will post a comment saying this.

As they walk around the forest they spot <tribute name>


They find nothing

After this second comment they may decide to go back to the cornucopia or set a camp where they are :3

While the careers hunt...[]

While the careers hunt other tributes may go to the cornucopia and steal things :3


Foxface: She runs to the cornucopia and she starts grabbing food. She then runs away.

After Day 1[]

The games will go on and on until only one stays alive I will decide the deaths if the tribute is thirty, hungry or sick. I will also sponsor tributes that do good roleplays. I also decide when a day ends and when the night ends.

What can be found in the Cornucopia.[]

1 - Inside the cornucopia

2 - In the mouth of the cornucopia

3 - Between the cornucopia and the plates

4 - Near the tribute plates

5 - Very near the tributes plates

Object Location in Cornucopia Who haves one
Sword (3) 1
Axe (2) 2 Kaeghan x2
Knife (6) 4 Erlend, Adrian, 
Throwing knifes packs with 8 knifes in each (3) 4
Spear (5) 3 Adrian
Mace (3) 3 Nick x2
Trident (2) 1 Wesley
Whip (2) 2
Barbed Wire (1) 1 Toast
Bow (1) and arrows (20) 2
Scythe (1) 1
Sickle (2) 2 Blake
Curved sword (2) 1
Electronic supplies (2) 3 Nick, Toast
Backpack with knife, apples (3) and water bottle (3) 4 Nick, Adrian
Backpack with wire and water bottle (5) 5
Backpack with food for 3 days (3) 4 Eli, Kaeghan
Backpack with rope, box of matches and empty water bottle (2) 5 Wesley
Crate with food for 5 days (3) 2
Rope (5) 5 Toast
Backpack with traps (2) 3
Alice Backpack: fizzy drinks (3) and bacon (5) 1
Jacket (5) 3
First Aid Kit (3) 1
Slingshot (2) 5
Blowgun (2) with darts (20) 4
Burn Medicine (1) 1
Bandages (3) 3 Toast, Blake
Box of matches (5) 5
Camoflage paint (1) 4
Empty bottle (5) 5 Toast
Bident (1) 2
Sharp-edged boomerang (1) 3
Throwing axes (5) 3 Eli x2
Battle Axes (2) 1
Throwing Stars pack (6 in each pack) (3) 5
Parka (4) 3 Nick, Adrian, Erlend
Fire-starting kit (3) 2
Box of matches (6) 4
Gloves (5) 4 Toast
Machete (3) 3 Blake
Sleeping Bag (4) 2 Nick, Kaeghan
Double Sleeping Bag (2) 1 Adrian/Erlend
Clearing Axe (1) 2
Tent (1) 2 Toast
Garrote (1) 3 Toast


Since it's Xmas I'll make the arena Xmassy <3

It will be a forest covered in snow. To the north of the cornucopia you can find Santa's Village, in there you can find any resource that you could find in any villaige (knifes, ropes, wire, food, candy...) But the arena is owned by a pack of evil elfs that won't doubt to kill you if they catch you.

In the forest you can find some caves and frozen lakes and streams. If you don't have the supplies that are needed you will probably freeze to death. You should also feer the flesh-eating raindeers and the assasin snowmen that throw poison-filled snowballs.


Name District Weapon How they died Placement
Tara 1 Bow and Arrow Axe in head 14th
Kaeghan 1 Clearing Axe Star in head 10th
Wikia C 2 Knife to throat 22nd
s@M 2 ThRoWing AxEs Must be eliminated ReBEl
T0aSt 3 GaRroTe Must be eliminated rEbEL
Nick 3 Maces Bled to death 9th
Liza 4 Bow and Arrow Burried under debris 4th
Blake 4 Sickle Spear through chest 6th
Jinx 5 Whip Ace to neck 7th
Wikia C 5 Bled to death 17th
Summer 6 Mace Starved to death 11th
Erlend 6 Knife Stabbed 12th
Wikia C 7 Mace in head 20th
Aspen 7 Boomerang Knife to chest 5th
Wikia C 8 Neck snapped 23rd
Wikia C 8 Mace in head 24th
Wikia C 9 Axe in head 19th
Wesley 9 Axe Chopped head off 8th
Wikia C 10 Machete in throat 18th
Eli 10 Axe Arrow in head 13th
Wikia C 11 Fell down a ravine, lol 15th
ADrI@n 11 KNIfE Must be Eliminated ReBeL
Wikia C 12 Strangled 21st
Wikia C 12 Strangled 16th