The Hunger Games Wiki

Chapter One[]

Katrina's P.O.V.[]

"Cameron Bell!" My name was called at the reaping. I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. Everybody at my surrounding looked at me like I'm some crimminal. My parents too. My mother looks like she is about to cry. I slowly walk to the stage while the Peacemakers are behind me. As I went up the stage the woman picks from the reaping bowl. After a few seconds she finally brought one out. She slowly opened the envelope. I tried to take a little peek. But I can't. "Jayce Jefferson!" she shouted. I know who he is. He's the most popular guy in school. He is one year older than me. Soon they brought me to the visiting room. My family can only visit for 3 minutes. My parents went inside. My mom ran to me and hugged me tight. Then she let's go looking into my eyes. "Whatever happens out there I want you to be strong. Do not die okay?" she says."You can survive this. Your the toughest girl I know" he grinned as he messed up my hair. "Thanks dad. I will try to win." I say. But I know I don't have a chance on them. There are bigger and stronger people out there. I felt that I was the youngest there. My mom kissed my forehead. "TIMES UP!" The Peacemaker shouts. And pulls my mom. "I love you! Good luck!" she shouts. And I did not see her again. I wiped my tears. Preparing for the cameras. After that my mind drifted off. Then I did not realize I was already in the train to Capitol. Waiting for our 2 mentors. I felt awkward because I know in the arena Jayce will be trying to kill me. "Cameron.." he starts. "In-" Then the 2 mentors went in. Me and Jayce both stood up and greeted them. "Hello. This is Joseph and I am Amanda" she introduces as the sit down facing us. "So when are we going to train?" Jayce asks. "In a hurry? Because that will start the day after tomorrow. You can just enjoy yourselves" Joseph says. We nodded. And I stood up and went to my room. I passed from a few avoxes. I pity them. I know what they go through. As I entered my room. I closed the door shut. I lay down flat on the bed. Then I faced the ceiling. "That's it Cameron. You're so going to die in one week." I say to myself. Then I hear a knock on the door. I open it and Jayce comes out. "Hi Jayce" I say. I sit down on my bed and he sits beside me. "By the way, what were you going to say a while ago?" I ask. "Oh nothing" "Okay then" I shrugged. I layed down again. "I'm scared" he says. "Me too" I sigh. And we hear a knock on the door. An avox girl is signaling us to go and eat dinner. We followed her to the dinning room. I was starving. I stopped and looked around the table was full of food. I licked my lips. And I ran to my seat next to Jayce. I got one of eveything. No matter I did not know what it is. I just ate. I almost forgot my manners when I started eating. Then I remembered what my mother used to tell me: "no matter how hungry you are never forget your manners" I smiled at the thought of my mother. So I ate properly this time. Joseph and Amanda introduced us our manager. Then I realized she was the woman in the reaping. Her name was Daffy. I ate alot and while eating I was talking about my life in District 11. And also Jayce. We told Joseph and Amanda what we can do. After dinner we decided to be allies for the arena. I went to my room and slept. I dreamed about my parents. My mother crying while my father trying to comfort her. I felt myself cry to. The next day I wake up in the morning I look in the mirror. I looked like a cried the whole night. After I washed my face I took a bath. The shower felt good. I never took a bath this good in my life. After I go out I wear a normal outfit and go out to eat breakfast. I meet Jayce and Amanda on the table. "Both of you will meet your stylists. For the interview tonight" she says. "So they will make me look pretty?" I say. "Yes" After breakfast they taught us for the interview. I stayed with AManda while Jayce with Joseph. Amanda teaches me how to walk. I smile that it was a success. "Now sit down" she says. And I obey her. "What personality should I give you. Hmmm" she says. "Can I just be myself?"I say. Then she agrees with me. After practicing they show us to our stylists. They look as weird as daffy. They remove every hair in my body. It hurts alot. After that they showed me to Katherine. She did not look weird at all. Which was awesome. "So what are you going to do to me?" I ask. "Since District 11 is agriculture. We will add a little design" she says. I wondered what will be my dress. I guess I'll just wait. She goes out and comes in again carrying a dress. It looks beautiful. It is a long blue dress. At the end it has waves. "This is amazing." I say. "Also a flower in your ear" he says as he puts it. I actually feel beautiful once in my life. He let's me fit in it. He let's me put on my blue shoes with heels. I look like the ocean. They curled my long black hair and put light make up. I look myself in the mirror. "I look amazing." We meet Caesar. He was a great guy. I was waiting for my turn nervous. I saw the other districts. The most I payed attention to was the Careers. Soon it was District 10. So I waited nervously for my turn.

Chapter Two[]

Nessa's P.O.V.[]

All of the children were scared to be picked. I hugged my little sister, Flora. "You are not going to be picked. Don't worry." I said as she cries. She saw all the other children being injected to get blood. She started to cry. "That won't hurt. Just a little bit." I said. She started to walk away. I saw her being injected and she did nothing. I told her it won't hurt. It was my turn and I kept looking for Flora. I turned left and right until I found her. She's standing straight in the crowd. Then the one who is gonna pick the names of the tributes of District 12, Lunie finally spoke. All of us stood still. "Welcome, welcome to the 73rd Annual Hunger Games. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" she said. She was laughing and we aren't. She showed a video of the past Hunger Games. "It has come to the time when I am going to pick the District 12 tributes and as always ladies first!" she said. I took a deep breath hoping Flora wouldn't get picked. She picked up a small piece of paper and it says "Flora Dawn!". My sister was the female tribute. No, I won't let her die. "Flora! Flora!" I walked to the middle aisle. The peacemakers tried to stop me. "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" I shouted to the crowd. "No! No!" Flora shouted. The peacemakers took her away from the crowd. I went up to the stage. "Okay. For our female tribute, Nissa Dawn!" Lunie announced. "Now for the male tribute." she said. She picked up again a small piece of paper with the name "Paine Mackenzie". Lunie announced it. Paine went to the stage. "Okay. May I present you the tributes from District 12!" she exclaimed. "Please give them around of applause!" she said. Nobody clapped. All of them was scared. We were put into a room where we can talk with our relatives for a few minutes. My mother entered with Flora. I hugged Flora. "Win for me." she cried. "I promise." I said. I hugged my mom so tight. "Be brave. Fight there. Win for us." my mother said. Then the peacemakers took them out. I cried. It could be the last time I will see them. After it we were put on a train to take us to the Capitol. I was seated beside Paine and our mentor went inside. He was taking some alcohol. "Hey! Uhm...How can we win this thing?" Paine asked. Our mentor, Hadwin said "There is nothing I can do about you. You will just die there." he said. "So how can we survive?" Paine asked. "You make people to like you." he said. "How can we make people to like us?" I asked. "To make people like you, you get sponsors" he said. He left with the alcohols. "Now what?" Paine asked me. I didn't answer him. We were finally in the Capitol and Paine looked in the mirror. He waved at the people who kept screaming. "You have to see this! Come!" Paine said. I didn't want to so I sat there loooking at the delicious foods. We finally got out of the train and went to the stylists. "So you're here to make me look pretty?" I asked. "We're here to give you an impression." My stylist, Cadell said. "Dear, it's so hard to be in your place." Cadell said. "Most people would congratulate me. So thank you." I said. He removed all the hair in my body by waxing it. Cadell dresses me with a suit that would create fake flame. We have to impress the gamemakers in the parade later. Our district is in charge of mining coals for the capitol so they thought of fire. He braided my hair. And finally it was time to go. We rode on a carriage. I got nervous when it was our time to go to the aisle. The fake flames was turned on. Caesar, a host got amazed by our costumes. Then President Snow will give his speech. "Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor." was his last few lines. They have known me for "The Girl On Fire". Then, Lunie showed our room. We were assigned in the pent house. I went to my room and there was electronic background there. I took the remote and looked at some. "The woods" background caught my eyes. It reminds me of my District and my hunting. I removed it and left. We ate in a table were there were lots of foods. I'm sure if Flora was here she would ate so much. I ate the lamb stew. It was indeed delicious. When we were all gathered in the table Paine said "You know what? My mother said District 12 will finally have a winner. She wasn't talking about me. She was talking about you." And he looked at me. He excused himself to get out of the table. I left the table too. I layed down to my bed and can't sleep. Tomorrow's the start of training. It'll be so hard. I went to look outside my bedroom and Paine was sitting there. I sat beside him and I talked to him. "They wouldn't know the real me. If I die out there I'll still be me." He said. "I just can't afford to think like that." I said. And we went to sleep.
